Lørdag d. 2. februar holder vi informationsmøde om USA turen.
Mødet foregår på CV2, N.P. Josiassensvej 44 i Grenaa.
Mødet starter med en fernisering af vores 3D udstilling kl. 14.00 og kl. 15.00 starter selve informationsmødet.
Programmet er:
1. Velkomst
2. Seattle turen 2007 - billeder og erfaringer
3. Seattle turen 2008 - al det praktiske:
a. rejsen
b. opholdet
c. forsikringer
4. Undervisningen i 3D
5. Forventninger til eleverne
6. Spørgsmål
Til stede vil være Søren Hansen, Vibeke Christiansen, Ditte Timmermann og Jacob Honoré.
onsdag den 30. januar 2008
tirsdag den 29. januar 2008
Endnu en af vores amerikanske undervisere (på engelsk)

Kamal Siegel began his career in the arts at the young age of 17 when he had his first solo exhibition at the Municipal Library of his hometown; Temuco, Chile. Under the aegis of an encouraging family, Kamal embarked on a path that led him through various schools, mentors and training institutions. Kamal is currently a instructor at DigiPen Institute of Technology as well as owner of Digital Double, a Redmond, WA based company that specializes in creating digital versions of people and characters for use in video games and movies. Previously he worked as Technical Art Director for Flying Lab Software, spearheading and designing their character customization technology. He also spent three years as a full-time employee at Microsoft, creating and refining environments for XBOX launch titles. Kamal is active in art in the community, having exhibited his paintings and photography, curated shows, and taught drawing and cartooning courses in various locations. He is an active volunteer for local events and takes joy in helping build community. He is also active in music, and recently released his first album of original guitar compositions titled "First Steps". Kamal holds a degree in Computer Animation from the Art Institute of Seattle and he has earned certificates in painting and 3D modeling along with continued education in illustration, color and composition and level design. He grew up in Chile and has lived in the Seattle area since 1998 and been a Redmond resident since 2001.
Lidt info om en af vores amerikanske 3d undervisere (på engelsk)

Jay Gale - Art and Design
Three-dimensional modeling and animation instructor Jay Gale egan working in the 3D computer graphics field in 1987. He worked for a defense contractor building 3D environments, vehicles, and weapons effects for real-time vehicle and flight simulations. The Department of Defense awarded him a Distinguished Service Award for work done re-creating a key battle from the Persian Gulf War. “Xin Li and I are old work friends,” he says. They both worked for the same company before coming to the Institute. Mr. Gale has also spent the last twenty years as a freelance graphic designer and graphic producer. He holds a B.A. in broadcast communications from the University of Colorado and has taken numerous courses in mathematics, computer graphics, and web design.
In 1999, Mr. Gale came to DigiPen and began working as a full-time 3D animation instructor in the Associate of Applied Arts in 3D Computer Animation program. He taught all of the 3D courses for this two-year program. He is currently an adjunct instructor of 3D modeling and animation, and this year he is teaching the GAT 300 and GAT 350 courses. He enjoys helping
students learn how to add 3D models and animations to their game projects. When teaching, Mr. Gale helps students understand when to “call a project good.” He recognizes that one of the traps they – and some industry professionals – fall into is the situation of constantly tweaking things to make a project “perfect.” As he warns, “this will blow up every deadline that you have to meet.” Outside of DigiPen, Mr. Gale does numerous freelance projects, mostly for the Lake Washington School District. He is currently working on promotional material for the career and technology education courses offered across the district. He is also preparing to teach a one-month 3D course to Danish exchange students at Edmonds Community College. Additionally, he works part-time at Juanita High School, teaching courses in computer graphics, web design, and video production. If he did not have his hands full doing all these various jobs, he would be running a surfboard rental shop on Maui’s North Shore or leading horseback historical tours of Civil War battlefields. In his spare time (such as it exists), Mr. Gale engages in a range of activities.
He enjoys reading histories of the Civil War, World War II, the Napoleonic Wars, and medieval Europe. In a related activity, he collects antique and historic firearms. He also does oil painting and sports photography. His range of unique interests and industry experience make him a valuable member of DigiPen’s art faculty.
Three-dimensional modeling and animation instructor Jay Gale egan working in the 3D computer graphics field in 1987. He worked for a defense contractor building 3D environments, vehicles, and weapons effects for real-time vehicle and flight simulations. The Department of Defense awarded him a Distinguished Service Award for work done re-creating a key battle from the Persian Gulf War. “Xin Li and I are old work friends,” he says. They both worked for the same company before coming to the Institute. Mr. Gale has also spent the last twenty years as a freelance graphic designer and graphic producer. He holds a B.A. in broadcast communications from the University of Colorado and has taken numerous courses in mathematics, computer graphics, and web design.
In 1999, Mr. Gale came to DigiPen and began working as a full-time 3D animation instructor in the Associate of Applied Arts in 3D Computer Animation program. He taught all of the 3D courses for this two-year program. He is currently an adjunct instructor of 3D modeling and animation, and this year he is teaching the GAT 300 and GAT 350 courses. He enjoys helping
students learn how to add 3D models and animations to their game projects. When teaching, Mr. Gale helps students understand when to “call a project good.” He recognizes that one of the traps they – and some industry professionals – fall into is the situation of constantly tweaking things to make a project “perfect.” As he warns, “this will blow up every deadline that you have to meet.” Outside of DigiPen, Mr. Gale does numerous freelance projects, mostly for the Lake Washington School District. He is currently working on promotional material for the career and technology education courses offered across the district. He is also preparing to teach a one-month 3D course to Danish exchange students at Edmonds Community College. Additionally, he works part-time at Juanita High School, teaching courses in computer graphics, web design, and video production. If he did not have his hands full doing all these various jobs, he would be running a surfboard rental shop on Maui’s North Shore or leading horseback historical tours of Civil War battlefields. In his spare time (such as it exists), Mr. Gale engages in a range of activities.
He enjoys reading histories of the Civil War, World War II, the Napoleonic Wars, and medieval Europe. In a related activity, he collects antique and historic firearms. He also does oil painting and sports photography. His range of unique interests and industry experience make him a valuable member of DigiPen’s art faculty.
fredag den 25. januar 2008
Lidt billeder fra Studietur 2007 i Seattle

På studieturen i år 2007.....
I Seattle lykkedes det for eleverne at dele deres tid mellem deres amerikanske værtsfamilier, diverse sociale arrangementer arrangeret af Edmonds Community College og ikke mindst den fremragende 3D undervisning på DigiPen Institute of Technology.
På sidstnævnte blev eleverne fagligt forkælet af forskellige lærere der med en blandet baggrund fra Nintendo, Pixar og Disney kunne stimulere og få det bedste frem i den enkelte.
Eleverne arbejdet med karaktermodellering, rigging og animation. Flere af eleverne fik virkelig kamp til deres hår, men det var en fornøjelse for 3d college denmark´s udsendte lærer at iagtage med hvilken entuiasme elever sugede viden til sig og hvor meget de fik ud af deres ophold.
Opholdet hos de lokale værtsfamilier blev en kæmpe oplevelse for eleverne og for mange var det første gang de var ude i den "virkelige" verden. De fleste oplevede en stor gæstfrihed og blev opfattet som en del af familien og deltog i familiens dagligdag, udflugter og arrangementer.
I Seattle lykkedes det for eleverne at dele deres tid mellem deres amerikanske værtsfamilier, diverse sociale arrangementer arrangeret af Edmonds Community College og ikke mindst den fremragende 3D undervisning på DigiPen Institute of Technology.
På sidstnævnte blev eleverne fagligt forkælet af forskellige lærere der med en blandet baggrund fra Nintendo, Pixar og Disney kunne stimulere og få det bedste frem i den enkelte.
Eleverne arbejdet med karaktermodellering, rigging og animation. Flere af eleverne fik virkelig kamp til deres hår, men det var en fornøjelse for 3d college denmark´s udsendte lærer at iagtage med hvilken entuiasme elever sugede viden til sig og hvor meget de fik ud af deres ophold.
Opholdet hos de lokale værtsfamilier blev en kæmpe oplevelse for eleverne og for mange var det første gang de var ude i den "virkelige" verden. De fleste oplevede en stor gæstfrihed og blev opfattet som en del af familien og deltog i familiens dagligdag, udflugter og arrangementer.
Ny blog for 3d college denmark
I forbindelse med studieturen til Seattle har vi besluttet at oprette en blog til glæde for forældre, elever og andre interesset.
Meningen med bloggen er, at de forskellige lærer og undervisere, der er med på turen med jævne mellemrum vil skrive om begivenheder og oplevelser i Gud´s eget land.
Meningen med bloggen er, at de forskellige lærer og undervisere, der er med på turen med jævne mellemrum vil skrive om begivenheder og oplevelser i Gud´s eget land.
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